How do i download steam workshop mods to my server
How do i download steam workshop mods to my server

how do i download steam workshop mods to my server

These are all the mods you have downloaded. You will see a bunch of folders with numbers.Open the folder names 211820 (Starbound Steam ID).

how do i download steam workshop mods to my server

  • Open the workshop folder and then the folder named content.
  • To get to where Steam hid the mods click the Up Arrow in the upper left to move up twice until you are in the steamapps folder.
  • On the next pop-up window, click on the Local Files tab across the top, and then on Browse Local Files.
  • Right-click on Starbound in your game library, and the menu will pop up.
  • To locate where Steam stores the mods it downloaded follow these steps:

    how do i download steam workshop mods to my server

    Non-workshop mods are installed the exact same way on the server as on your computer simply use the File Manager on the left side of your panel to access the server's mods folder and upload the mod files. There are two ways to get workshop mods for your server. How Do I Install Mods On My Starbound Server?

    How do i download steam workshop mods to my server